Our Pantheon

Consisting of spiritual entities from both Christianity and ancient Greco-Roman Paganism, the following pantheon contributes to a Christo-Pagan belief system and practice. Although the umbrella term Christo-Paganism is new and it is sold as describing a new spiritual movement, the merging of Christianity and Paganism has existed for a long time mainly in the shadows and cost innocent lives in the light of day.

“To burn the Witch

is to admit

that magic exists”

-Erin Anastasia

Saint and Archangel Michael

In the midst of the Age of Michael, we have committed to serving the great Archangel Michael, our main guide, also known as the great defender of truth and justice, great protector and messenger of Christ. Beloved by Christians, Muslims, Jews, Pagans, New Agers and Christo-Pagans, he plays an important role across spirituality and naturally plays a major role in the continuing war against the harmful and evil forces still at play in the world.

We look up to his courage, his honesty, his integrity, his strong sense of justice, his wisdom, his protective love and his everglowing light. We hope you do too.

Christ Jesus/Yeshua/ Jeshua

By incarnating in the human form of Jesus of Nazareth, Christ became a worldwide sensation across spirituality. Represented as God by Christians, a prophet by Muslims and an ascended master by New Agers, religions can’t reach a consensus on the ultimate spiritual mystery He was. No label will ever be able to fully define Him!

Determined in His fight against demonic influence on Earth, His resistance to the Roman Empire, His defiance of dogmatic Judaism and His perseverance to show humanity the Way up and out of the human condition and fate, Christ allowed His Divine consciousness to flourish on Earth at His own peril. His Consciousness and His Love are still here today for all those who wish to seek ‘the Way, the Truth and the Life’.

Mother Mary

As the mother of Christ, Mother Mary is a spiritual refuge for many. Bravely, she witnessed the crucifixion of her own son and now offers a listening ear to all those struggling with fears, tensions, anticipations of motherhood and infertilities and grants her help to anyone carrying their own cross on Earth.

Although known for being particularly loved by Catholics, Mother Mary was still an equally important spiritual figure in the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century. Some occult perspectives honour her too and also take a step closer in her relationship with Christ, suggesting she was His twin soul.

Saint and Apostle Mary Magdalene

Known for having found Jesus Christ’s tomb empty, Mary Magdalene made her way into spiritual history but not in the way she truly deserved. As Jesus’ most trusted and faithful disciple and Divine Counterpart, Apostle Mary Magdalene witnessed Jesus Christ’s resurrection and complete ascension to the Father God and Divine Spirit.

As a woman who survived and overcame inner turmoil with the help of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene is the patron and symbol of hope for those in the deepest and darkest abyss. Driven into hiding during her life and undervalued in history, Mary Magdalene is a support for the ones pushed to the sidelines because of their troubled past, difference of beliefs, difference of sex, etc… So she is the permanent reminder that strength and divinity carry you through all.

Saint Anthony

Often represented carrying Jesus Christ as a baby, Saint Anthony is venerated for his closeness with Christ as well as his unique guidance for lost, broken and less advantaged souls as well as lost objects. He preached Christ’s Coming without condescension and violence but with compassion, understanding and patience.

Anthony is also a patron of the poor. Having chosen a life of spirituality that involved no great fortune, he doesn’t look down upon those in poverty as people to shame but rather as people to help. His values are opposed to the elitism found within some Christian establishments as wealth disparity is not and never will be a reflection of Divine Justice.

Goddess Hekate/Hecate

Not as spoken about as the Greek gods and goddesses of Olympus, the Greek Goddess Hekate/Hecate is still regarded as somewhat of a dark mystery for many. Associated with crossroads, herbs, witchcraft, night, shadow work, ghosts and necromancy, she appeals mainly to Pagans and Witches in spirituality. Over the years, she has become a mother-figure to some of these outcast spiritual communities.

Her ability to shine a light on inner and outer darkness and illuminate the path to the depths of the soul make her a great healing spiritual figure. The shadow self of the human being and the outer darkness of the world are too often brushed under the carpet as is the concept of the soul. But she perseveres in reminding exactly how essential they are to face in order to truly heal.

Goddess Persephone

As goddess of spring, fertility, and goddess of the underworld, Greek Goddess Persephone is the epitome of harmonious duality. A lover of the flowers, fruits and pure joys of spring but also a ruler over the dead alongside her husband God Hades, Goddess Persephone is the example of what it means to blend light and darkness to achieve oneness.

Goddess Persephone’s growth from a naïve and cocooned girl to the Queen of the Underworld in Greek Mythology depicts her impressive journey to sovereignty. This way she is the caricature of the being who faced the darkest shadows, rose to self-empowerment despite it all and made it her mission to be a benevolent and just guide to the souls and spirits no longer a part of the physical world.

Goddess Aphrodite

Goddess of love, sexuality and beauty, Greek Goddess Aphrodite is without doubt one of the most famous and adored Greek gods and goddesses. Always represented as beautiful, sensual and so irrevocably alluring, Goddess Aphrodite honours beauty and values the connection with the heart centre and the freedom and expression of the whole body.

Goddess Aphrodite invites all to worship love in all its forms, honour the beauty in the world, recognise the divinity in physicality and to embrace the lighter side of life. Amidst all the seriousness and responsibilities of the human experience, she encourages all to make space for the frivolities too. Even though we all have our duties, the human experience is also meant to be enjoyable.

Goddess Athena

Well-known and adored in Greek mythology, Goddess Athena is an important goddess in Greek Paganism, triumphing over spiritual wisdom, internal and external conflict and a relentless patron for those seeking to build their own empires and those dabbling in the arts.

As the caricature of the female spiritual warrior, conqueror, thinker and artist, she is a force to be reckoned with. But this strength is to be admired and inspired by rather than feared and always respected too…If you disrespect her, she’ll be cut-throat just as easily as a chief supporter.

Goddess Artemis

God Apollo

Goddess Selene

As the personification of the moon, Goddess Selene is an important deity in Greek Paganism. She brings light to those who find an incomparable comfort in darkness and all its stillness and silence. Appearing in different lunar phases, Selene embraces and honours change and metamorphosis.

She also has no shame in carrying a dark side, a hidden and unknown side that she doesn’t showcase to the whole world. Her divine mystery knows no limits as does her beauty.

God Atlas

God Atlas is notorious for being the titan carrying the Earth and the Heavens in Greek mythology. Represented as the leader in the revolt against God Zeus and the Olympians, Atlas is the one who is punished and commanded to carry the globe on his shoulders for eternity.

As a star, God Atlas is a part of a bright and beautiful asterism in the Taurus constellation called the Pleiades. Being the father of the Pleiades sisters in Greek mythology, Atlas is thus present in Greek mythology and Greek Paganism as an ancient spiritual being of unique strength.

Mother Goddess

Given different names across faiths, Earth is often recorded as a living being in spirituality and a divine mother to humanity. Labelled as a Primordial Gaia in Greek mythology, Her role is to hold space and provide for human beings’ physical, mental, emotional and spiritual welfare.

Although her connection with humanity has been much disrupted and She is not always shown the respect and care She is owed, Her beauty and Her nurture still cradle us all. To connect more deeply with Her, all one has to do is seek Her with an open heart and honest soul.

Father God

Known mostly by the attributes given to Him in Christianity, Islam and Judaism, the Father God exists across faiths. With the name Yahweh and other names, the Father God rules in Abrahamic religions but also appears in the Wiccan religion as the Father Sky, as the other Primordial Uranus in Greek Paganism and in other forms of spirituality.

Just like with Goddess Gaia, we see His recurring presence under different pseudonyms and so we get an idea of His importance. Knowing that Jesus Christ claimed to become One with the Father, He paints Him as a divine father figure to humanity not to control and tyrannise human beings but to lovingly and wisely guide those who seek Him.

Divine Spirit

As the origin of all that is, Divine Spirit is the most ancient cosmic force. Believed to be solely darkness called Chaos in Greek Paganism and solely light in other faiths as Source or the Holy Spirit, Spirit manifests itself as both valuable light and darkness in Mysticism and Occultism.

A general consensus remains on the omnipresence of Spirit both within and without of human beings. At the centre of the human soul and human spirit, Spirit guarantees everyone’s eternal spiritual life. What you think, Spirit hears. What you feel, Spirit knows. What you speak, Spirit records. But most importantly, Spirit answers back to you when you tune in.